Monday, January 31, 2011

Father's Request

Per my father's request I have posted an important picture. When we were getting ready for the park Connor made a cheerio face. It is a little blurry but you get the point!

Weekend Fun!

The Springs was in the 60's this weekend so we all emerged out of our houses and enjoyed the wonderful weather and the great amenities this city has to offer. We decided to take Connor to Bear Creek Park. Connor experienced his first ever picnic. We then went on a little walk up a small trail. We had a great time. It was so much fun to go do something as a family. After our little picnic Connor decided that he would just nap, but I am sure he enjoyed the fresh air.

All else is good here and of course the little guy is growing and just babbling up a storm. He loves to look around and he has discovered that his hands taste really good. I know I say it over and over again but it is amazing just how wonderful he is. Well Christian and I love you all. Enjoy the pictures. Talk to y'all soon.

* Oh on the right hand of the blog there are videos that we have uploaded.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Hello All

Sorry for the delay in the blogging. School has started and life is a little crazy. Well I have decided to do one more semester at home via internet classes. Connor is doing great with that idea as well! At his last doctors appointment he weighted 11.5 lbs and was 23 inches long. The only downside of the doctors appointment was SHOTS!! The little guy got four shots. His face turned bright red and he let out one big scream, he was good till the fever set in. By the time we got home he was running a slight fever and was not to happy. Luckily I was able to stop by the store and pick him up some Tylenol. I also got him a new toy for being such a big boy! So we decided to craw back in bed and cuddle till daddy got home. He napped really well once I got the fever under control.

We are all doing well. I am trying to balance the house work, school and Connor. It gets better and better each day. Connor now spends time playing in his crib or on the floor by himself. He also is getting a lot better at napping and goes to bed at a reasonable time.  So I am able to get a lot done in a day. But Connor has also reminded me to slow down and enjoy him! Not everything has to get done. I love staying home with him and watching him grow. He changes everyday it is a lot of fun! Now that he is a little bigger Christian has started taking over the night routine of giving him a bath and getting him ready for bed. Hope all is well.

Love Megan, Christian and Connor!

Connor and his new friend

Trying to reach for the toy

Hanging out in his boppy

Connor watching the fan in his room

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Two months!!

Well on Friday Connor is going to be two months. All is well here.We have a doctor appointments on Friday at 9:00 am so I will update everyone on his stats. Where does the time go? Connor is growing growing and growing I am guessing that he is going to weight about 12 lbs. He has out grown all of his newborn clothes and 0-3 month clothes so it is on to the true 3 month clothes! He is talking and staying awake more and more each day. He has established his own little schedule and likes to nap from 11-3:00 everyday now!!! YEA FOR ME!! Then he falls back to sleep around 8:00 after his bath. Of course he loves car rides and he likes to look at all the animals that roam this house. Hope all is well. We love you all. And of course there are some pictures below.

Nap time with Connor's Big Brother!!

Christian "watching" Connor

Hanging out with his buddy
Watching himself in the mirror while he plays
Roxy checking things out while Connor looks at lights
Going to toss the ball to the dogs for the first time

Not sure about this

Time to go inside!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

7 Weeks

Well the little guy is getting bigger before our eyes, he turned 7 weeks on Sunday. Today has been fun he decided he was not going to nap but he has been full of smiles and just talking up a storm. Since he is in such a good mood today I tried his Bumbo a molded chair that helps him learn to sit. It went really well. We also worked on rolling over (from his stomach to his back). Connor needs to learn how to do that before he can roll from his back to his stomach which is harder.  He is getting there out of frustration, he does not like to be on his stomach. Of course as you will see in the pictures his big big big brother Bruiser was there to help him along the way. Love you all.

Happy Boy

Aren't I cute

Sitting' like a big boy

Cool kid

On my tummy

Here I go

Almost there

Ok I am mad now


I did it!!

Bruiser says Good Job!!

Monday, January 10, 2011

A little time

Well the little guy is taking a nap and most of the house is clean so I can take a little time to blog. Time is a luxury now!! Connor is doing well. He is starting to get in a routine and I can almost count on him sleeping for five or six hours at night. Connor has started reaching for things and when I place a rattle in his hands he involuntarily shakes them. He still is in 0-3 month clothes but we have moved up to 1-2 size diapers.  When Christian gets home from work he takes Connor and reads him a few stories and does tummy time with the little guy to help build up his neck and help him to learn to roll over. Yesterday Christian calls out I think that he is trying to craw, but he has a way to go. The little guy is determined to move when you put him on his tummy. Then it is his favorite time BATH TIME. We tell him that he is in hot tub like daddy. He just smiles and smiles and giggles and coos, but when it is time to get out he just screams. We are having so much fun with him and love how he is changing day to day. We look forward to all the new things that he is doing but part of us wish that he would not grow so fast.

Christian and I are both getting ready for school to start in the next few days. We have enrolled Connor in a near by Childcare center and he will start on the 18th. I have been working in Childcare centers on and off for almost 10 years now and I have told countless parents "it's harder for you then it is for them". Now I am trying to tell myself that but I really and not believing it! The first day I drop him off is going to be really hard. But we found a center that is very nice and the ladies that will be watching Connor seem really sweet. So all is well here. My little family is doing well. As requested there are pictures below.

Hanging out

Watching the elephants

Connor and Mommy

Looking around

Watching Mommy in the kitchen

Making someone a Birthday card!!

OK he is now done making the card!

Bath time

In my hot tub like Daddy

Laying in front of the fireplace

Lets talk