Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Hello all. Now that we seem to be somewhat on a schedule I am trying to stay on top of this blogging thing. So what is new at the Riley house? Well as usually we are redoing the back yard, Connor has been a big help. He lays in his pack and play outside and supervises. Don't worry I slather his with 80 SPF every few hours. He loves being outside. Now if outside would just stay one temperature we would go out more. One day it is 80 degrees outside then the next day it freezes. Connor's only issue with this year’s back yard renovation is the Home Depot. He thinks the place is really boring and he cannot figure out why we keep going back over and over again, sometime more than once in the same day. So we need to fix that because well Nemec's spend A LOT of time at the Home Depot.
Connor has defiantly become more independent, he still loves to be held and snuggled but he also loves to play with his toys. He likes to sit in is highchair and watch all of us do our thing. He has started to take a liking (or pulling) to the animals. OK he likes to pull on everything, if you get to close to hism he will get your nose, your hair or your ear and my personal favorite your mouth. He is doing great with the whole eating thing. Today we tried sweet potatoes, they were a major success.  I spent the most of the day steaming, pureeing and freezing about three weeks of food for him. We will try peas next. He is also getting better and better at sitting up for long periods of time, of course I have to help him but he is getting there. He has master rolling from back to front. I know that it is important developmentally but it scares me. I walked into his room today and he had rolled over for the first time in his crib !! Overall we are all doing great. I think that it is going to be a great summer with the little guy! Well we love you all and of course there are pictures below.

What a great supervisor!

Just hanging out in my new Army diapeze!


Our little monkey with his monkey in his monkey Diapeze

Worn out!!

Daddy's best airplane spoon attempt. Connor is not buying it!

Sweet Potatoes face

Crazy for sweet potatoes

I'm full

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