Sunday, August 14, 2011


Well it has been a while! Christian has been in Korea for a little over a month now and Connor will be NINE months a week from Sunday. Connor and I are getting use to life without Daddy. Even though I think we are doing a great job we can’t wait to see him again! We are not sure when Christian is coming home yet but Connor and I will be moving to Korea once I graduate from college. It is going to be a really busy next couple of months.
Connor is doing great he crawls everywhere now. He can sit up from a crawl position and is starting to pull himself up on furniture. One day I walked into his room and he was standing up holding on to the side of the crib. Also he has gotten good at recognizing his name and rolling a ball to me. Connor has also decided that he likes to scream at the top of his lungs, normally he is just happy but man he is loud. Besides the fact that he says Mama and Dada, my new favorite is when you walk up to him, he puts his hands in the air to be picked up. It melts my heart each time. I know everyone told me, but I really cannot believe how much he has changed in the last 9 months.
Since Christian has left we have gone down to New Mexico to see my parents while we were there we introduced Connor to an important part of Nemec tradition. James McMurtry, he is a Texas country/rock singer out of Austin, we all enjoy his music so when we found out that he was playing in Albuquerque we thought, why NOT! So I went online and found his some ear protection (per his daddy’s request). Connor sleep through the whole concert did not make a noise. I woke him up at the end and introduced him to James; I think that I was the most excited out of the three of us. We also took Connor up to Wheatland Wyoming; this was his first time to the cabin. He loved it. The Best part was the second morning he decided that everyone needed to wake up at 6:30 in the morning! The cabin is rather small and he was singing on the top of his lungs!! But we all had a good time and he got to hang out with his Aunt and Uncle as well as Erin’s parents and her brother!
Christian is doing well; he moved into a new room and was upgraded to a full size bed, the perks of being a NCO!!  He also is enjoying his new job and cannot wait for Connor and me to get there! That’s about it. Hope all is well and of course there are pictures below! 

Love Megan
P.S. If you get the blog updates by e-mail you may have to log on to see the video at the end.


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